How do I remove the liner on double-sided tape?

Removing the liner from a roll of double-sided tape can be tricky. Below are five tips and tricks for dealing with difficult-to-start liners:

  1. Put the roll of double-sided tape in a closable/sealable storage bag and put it into the freezer. This will stiffen the adhesive and make getting the liner started a bit easier. Don’t worry – the adhesive will get sticky again as it comes back to room temperature.
  2. Using scissors, cut into the side of the tape at the length needed, just about a ¼-inch or so, then rip the tape the rest of the way by hand. This sometimes causes the liner to pop up or at least creates a ragged, rather than smooth, edge to pick up the liner for removal.
  3. Pull off a bit of tape from the roll and bend one corner back and forth a few times. The liner on the corner sometimes pops up from the motion, providing a tab to begin to pull the liner off.
  4. Cut off the length of tape needed for the project, then place the sticky side of the tape down on one of the surfaces to be taped. Push a needle or straight pin through the liner and pull back. This can allow some air to get under the liner, making it easier to remove.
  5. Stick a piece of duct tape to the liner and pull or fold the edge down to kiss adhesive to adhesive so the liner will be able to be started in the corner.

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